Big Star Studios Enrichment & Online Assistance NOW OPEN!
Big Star Studios is offering a new program to help support kids and parents in Snoqualmie Valley for the 2020/21 school year. Send your students to us from 8:30 AM -3:00 PM for help with online school work and enriching activities. We are offering this as an option Monday – Friday, and you can choose as many days as you need. This enrichment and online assistance program will offer help with online school work throughout the day along with tons of awesome enrichment activities including Music, Art, Theater, Hip Hop and Improv lessons throughout the week along with yoga, mindfulness and PE/fitness classes to keep our kids bodies and minds healthy during this crazy time in our world. Space will be very limited to follow the Washington State Department of Health guidelines. Students must be between 1st and 6th grade. $150 non-refundable enrollment fee required to register.